My southern mother sent me to college with this yellow recipe tin. It was filled with 3x5 index cards assembled by category for all my favorite dishes. This tin box has been around for over 45 years, and yesterday it produced a HISC First Place in the Dessert Regatta.
You will need to plan on making this well ahead of schedule. The bananas need to be ripe. No green should be on the skin and they should be speckled with brown spots. This means that you'll have to buy them well in advance since the stores usually sell them in an under-ripe condition. For this to taste its best, you should also let this sit in the refrigerator for at least a day before serving. I personally like Nabisco 'Nilla Wafers. They seem to have a stronger vanilla flavor than other brands. You will need a non-stick pan and either a wooden or plastic spatula to make the custard. Let's get started.
3/4 cup sugar
1/3 cup flour
1/4 tsp salt
2 cups milk
2 eggs beaten
1 tsp vanilla
1 box vanilla wafers
4 or more ripe bananas
Line a dish (9" x 9") with a layer of vanilla wafers. Save some for the top. (I tried a new way at the regatta. I ground about half of the wafers in the food processor and then made a crumb bottom instead). Then layer with sliced bananas. Set this aside.
Blend the sugar, flour and salt. Be sure to mix this until all of the lumps are gone.
Add the milk and cook over medium heat. Stir CONSTANTLY to prevent burning and sticking. Be sure to scrape the bottom and sides with the spatula to keep the mixture consistent. Once the mixture is hot add the beaten eggs. Continue to cook and stir until the mixture thickens. Then start reducing heat until it is completely turned off. Once it starts (to thicken) it will continue to thicken quickly. Get the custard good and thick (not so thick it won't pour) because it does not thicken anymore once it cools down. Add the vanilla at the end and mix well. Pour the custard into the dish with the bananas. Add a layer of vanilla wafers to the top. Cover and refrigerate (preferably for at least a day).
Hopefully afterwards it will look like this.
Cheers, BARRY

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